Mwea National Reserve

Mwea National Reserve

Mwea National Reserve
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Das Gebiet
The Warden, Kiritiri 60113 Kenia
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4,0 von fünf Punkten6 Bewertungen
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Big CATS Africa Holidays
Nairobi, Kenia266 Beiträge
5,0 von fünf Punkten
Dez. 2024 • Freunde
Mwea National Reserve, located in Kenya's Eastern Province, is home to a diverse
Mwea National Reserve, located in Kenya's Eastern Province, is home to a diverse array of wildlife?
Verfasst am 18. Dezember 2024
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Abdul Asad
5 Beiträge
4,0 von fünf Punkten
Dez. 2021 • Familie
26th December- Nairobi to Makima via Karatina Makutano Road, 170km, 140 being good tarmac and 30km quite rough off road. It had rained and some parts of the road were nerve wrecking. We had a 4wd tour van courtesy of Fricafold Safaris who had promised us an amazing day out in the wild away from crowds thronging to other parks over these Christmas day holidays. Left Nairobi at 6am and arrived there at 9.30am. We were received by pleasant KWS lady who gave us tips and cautionery advice about trails to avoid due to risk of getting stuck- though we found literally all the trails fairly well passable. The Giraffes and Zebras are just meters away from the main gate. We did see a buffalo and an elephant and followed it towards an abandoned trail with much evidence of elephants but sadly only came close and personal with the tragedy that exists in poaching. Parts of the trail were unpassable due to Bush and fallen trees from elephants stampede probably during the sad incident and so couldn't make it to Hippo point from that trail. Went back to have our picnic with the Giraffes overlooking us. Wish we could have seen more of the advertised animals. The other two visitors drove in after 1:00 pm. We did enjoy the exclusive game drive and shopping for fresh vegetables at Makutano on our way back. We left at 2:30pm for fear of rain. This place has much potential and should be revamped into the Gem that it truly is.
Verfasst am 27. Dezember 2021
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brimmatech k
11 Beiträge
5,0 von fünf Punkten
Jän. 2021
MWEA NATIONAL RESERVE is the best national park in kenya located in MAKIMA in Embu county ,its hugely underrated tourist attraction due to failure by the county government to give it publicity,many of you know of maasai mara but what you dont know is mwea national reserve offers many animal varieties than most national reserves in kenya
1:its only 1 Hour 40 minues from nairobi that very nearer than maasai mara and most national parks with huge media attention
2:Has all of the big 5wildlife animals
3:since its not given media attention hotels are charged at normal rates
4:use the makima entrance its much cheaper also hotels in makima are very cheap\
5:its not crowded since very few people visit the national park you are able to see the undisturbed wildlife
Verfasst am 10. Jänner 2021
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C Renee
2 Beiträge
5,0 von fünf Punkten
Sep. 2019
I loved the place. I only drove around for a short time within the reserve because my guide (a family member) was terrible. She didn't fill up on gas and we had to leave the park because she feared running out of gas. At the entrance (we hadn't even entered the park), some zebras were running toward me and I didn't see them and my husband told me to turn around.. I went crazy (excited) (laughs). They let the zebras roam even around the park freely. There was very nice bird watching even at the gate. My husband is a Kenyan and negotiated for a personal guide (she was in military uniform and drove in the front seat to help us find animals). But like I said we only got to stay a short time because of an inconsiderate driver. Inside the park, right away we saw giraffes, elephants, baboons. If we'd been able to stay longer, I know we would have seen more.

The road to get the Mwea was very long and bumpy but if you have a Kenyan drive you there, you'll be there. They are used to the roads. Along the way I still enjoyed the drive because as a city girl in America I never see donkeys and cows and the different things we saw along the way.

This place is worth the money.

Get you a good guide who is Kenyan and a good car, and you should be fine.
Verfasst am 4. September 2019
Diese Bewertung ist die subjektive Meinung eines Tripadvisor-Mitgliedes und nicht die von Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor überprüft Bewertungen.

Nairobi, Kenia23 Beiträge
4,0 von fünf Punkten
Aug. 2017
I cannot believe how short sighted the other review of Mwea is. The park is flanked on the south by the Tana river, filled with crocs and hippos and stunning bid life. The park is filled with elephants, gazelle, zebra and giraffe - many of which are the very rare and endangered Rothschild giraffe.

Due to being off the usual safari route, lack of accommodation and size the chances of having Mwea to yourself is high. So you really feel like you are in your own little slice of Africa. Boats are available for rental for $13USD if you alert KWS before you arrive.

Entrance is a steal 650 Kenya shillings for residents and $22USD for tourists. Camping was 600KSh and a little more for non-residents.

How can you not love this hidden gem, 2.5hrs from Nairobi or 3hrs on a longer (but smoothery) tarmac road, cheap entrance, great camping and brilliant safari.

Its not the Maasai Mara - but for $22USD or $6USD if your a reident (300 if your a cit) its a bargain.

Top Tip camp at Hippo Point (see picture)
Verfasst am 9. August 2017
Diese Bewertung ist die subjektive Meinung eines Tripadvisor-Mitgliedes und nicht die von Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor überprüft Bewertungen.

Nairobi, Kenia8 Beiträge
1,0 von fünf Punkten
Juli 2014 • Freunde
The manager David was very hospitable and we even got given a paper map (which was requested back when we left?) and maps are rare unless you pay the full tourist style ones. So the welcome was more personal, and the reason I believe this was, was because nobody ever goes there...

The park is small, but the wild life density is poor. After 2 days we didn't see anything other than 3 deer, and normally they are so plentiful that they are ignored after the 1st day.

GOOD - Summary:
-Warm welcome
-Quiet (as there is nobody else in the park)
-has a dam/lake with some tranquil view points.
-One of the cheaper parks
Roads were fair and I didn't need LOW4x4 to get anywhere

BAD - Summary:
-Too far from Nairobi (2:45hrs), not worth the drive.
-There were lots of broken trees due to their supposedly high Elephant population (we saw 1 at the gate when we drove in, and that was it for the rest of the weekend.
-Camp site was not flat, had thorns EVERYWHERE so you would need to bring a rake or serious tent base. No toilets nor water supplied. (ok the lake was 10m away, but not nice water to do anything with)
-Low animal density

I would never go back as one can get something closer and better for the same price.
Verfasst am 2. Juli 2014
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Mwea National Reserve (Kiritiri) - Lohnt es sich? Aktuell für 2025 (Mit fotos)