Mrs. Bamboo Hsipaw Trekkings
Mrs. Bamboo Hsipaw Trekkings
Mrs. Bamboo Hsipaw Trekkings
07:00 – 20:00
07:00 - 20:00
07:00 - 20:00
07:00 - 20:00
07:00 - 20:00
07:00 - 20:00
07:00 - 20:00
07:00 - 20:00

Hsipaw, Myanmar
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Mrs. Bamboo Hsipaw Trekkings
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36 Bewertungen
Sehr gut
Pascal R
Sevilla, Spanien1 Beitrag
Dez. 2019 • Allein/Single
Tl;dr: I highly recommend to go trekking with Jola (Mrs Bamboo), if you want to learn more about the local life, plants, habits and like to hike beside the main paths. This is not a trip to just check a box that you were hiking in Myanmar!
Extended feedback:
Day 1:
Jola welcome me with a smile at the hotel reception. By the way kumudru hotel is an excellent choice to stay. He just told me about his ideas for the day and we started the trip. We had a the lunch break in a village and he showed me an old way and the „new“ way to fermentize tea. After this he offered different possibilities to proceed and he gave me the option to choose. So I decided to take a longer track through a bamboo jungle and we ended up in a very small village at a friend from his family. The old lady, where we stayed, prepared delicious food. One of a few dishes had been a salat made of a banana fruit he collected on the way. I’d never seen it before and the taste was delicious. He anyways showed me lots of different flowers, plants and explained how the Shaw are using this in their daily life. The day ended with an open air shower and some beer at a fire. :)
Day 2:
We started with a massive breakfast. The power was definitely needed. The track crossed a little waterfall and it went up and down. Don’t mind, he takes reasonable breaks and always watches the well-beingness. Some brilliant view points have been also in our way. Because we arrived quite early, he even arranged a Motorbike to drive to another village, where he was actually from and we visited his uncle, nevwes and played with kids. Furthermore we visited an elementary school, where the kids surrounded me and proofed their English skills :D The day ended with a massive diner.
Day 3:
This time we took a little shorter way. We went along corn fields and explored farmers life. The hike ended back in Hsipaw at a beatiful waterfall.
Extended feedback:
Day 1:
Jola welcome me with a smile at the hotel reception. By the way kumudru hotel is an excellent choice to stay. He just told me about his ideas for the day and we started the trip. We had a the lunch break in a village and he showed me an old way and the „new“ way to fermentize tea. After this he offered different possibilities to proceed and he gave me the option to choose. So I decided to take a longer track through a bamboo jungle and we ended up in a very small village at a friend from his family. The old lady, where we stayed, prepared delicious food. One of a few dishes had been a salat made of a banana fruit he collected on the way. I’d never seen it before and the taste was delicious. He anyways showed me lots of different flowers, plants and explained how the Shaw are using this in their daily life. The day ended with an open air shower and some beer at a fire. :)
Day 2:
We started with a massive breakfast. The power was definitely needed. The track crossed a little waterfall and it went up and down. Don’t mind, he takes reasonable breaks and always watches the well-beingness. Some brilliant view points have been also in our way. Because we arrived quite early, he even arranged a Motorbike to drive to another village, where he was actually from and we visited his uncle, nevwes and played with kids. Furthermore we visited an elementary school, where the kids surrounded me and proofed their English skills :D The day ended with a massive diner.
Day 3:
This time we took a little shorter way. We went along corn fields and explored farmers life. The hike ended back in Hsipaw at a beatiful waterfall.
Verfasst am 23. Mai 2020
Diese Bewertung ist die subjektive Meinung eines Tripadvisor-Mitgliedes und nicht die von Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor überprüft Bewertungen.
Greater Sydney, Australien1 Beitrag
Feb. 2020
Mike was incredibly attentive, kind and showed me a part of Myanmar that I never dreamed of seeing. It really was an authentic and real experience that I will never forget, and I wish to return to do another trek with him. His knowledge about the area, cultures and land is amazing, and his story is interesting too. Don't second guess for a minute about his trek's, just do it!!! 10000/10
Verfasst am 10. April 2020
Diese Bewertung ist die subjektive Meinung eines Tripadvisor-Mitgliedes und nicht die von Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor überprüft Bewertungen.
Utrecht, Niederlande8 Beiträge
Jän. 2020 • Paare
The trekking in Hispaw was one of the highlights of our trip. We went on a 3 day trekking with Mike and it was very great. Mike is a very warm and good person and he will try to do everything to make your trip memorable!
Verfasst am 19. Jänner 2020
Diese Bewertung ist die subjektive Meinung eines Tripadvisor-Mitgliedes und nicht die von Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor überprüft Bewertungen.
Dennis W
12 Beiträge
Dez. 2019 • Paare
The trek with Mike (3days/2nights) was absolute lovely! Great food, great nature, the people of the homestay where lovely, Mike has a lot of knowledge about the area and he is a lovely and charming dude! Thank you so much!
Verfasst am 18. Jänner 2020
Diese Bewertung ist die subjektive Meinung eines Tripadvisor-Mitgliedes und nicht die von Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor überprüft Bewertungen.
Selina B.
11 Beiträge
Dez. 2019 • Freunde
Hey there, I went on a trek with Mr. Bamboo/Mike after Christmas. We walked two days thru the jungle around Hsipaw an stayed over night at his Cousins place. It was one of the funniest, most beautiful hikes I've ever had. Definitely recommend that one. After a lot of talking we decided to go to Lashio aswell - well Mike offered it to me because to the small village he wouldn't take anybody just for fun. So I was really excited joining him on that journey.
Lashio was one of the best things I've ever saw. I never been to a place where the people actually have never seen many Foreigners at all. We also stayed there over night at a really lovely place by a local family. Mike told me a lot aber the village, the surrounding, the people and especially about the kids.
I also got the chance to give donated things (from Nick B. And a German couple) to the kids with Mike. It was so heart warming seeing the kids that happy. And seeing what a little bit of money can make a difference.
I hope I will read some recommendation from someone who helped Mike giving my donated stuff to the kids.
What I really can tell you: if you go with Mike you have one of the best local guides you can actually get around Hsipaw. He did not just grew up in the Mountains he also knows a lot about the surrounding, tribes, villages, plants, etc. He is a really funny guy and a good person for a great and interesting conversation. I spent nearly a week with him and traveled with him (after Hsipaw and Lashio) to Yangon and Hpa-An. I did not just a trekking tour in the jungle, I did a trip which was one of the best I've ever took. It was a huge experience and I'm really thankful for it.
Definitely recommending it!! (I would upload as many pictures as I could, but there are just 10 allowed)
Lashio was one of the best things I've ever saw. I never been to a place where the people actually have never seen many Foreigners at all. We also stayed there over night at a really lovely place by a local family. Mike told me a lot aber the village, the surrounding, the people and especially about the kids.
I also got the chance to give donated things (from Nick B. And a German couple) to the kids with Mike. It was so heart warming seeing the kids that happy. And seeing what a little bit of money can make a difference.
I hope I will read some recommendation from someone who helped Mike giving my donated stuff to the kids.
What I really can tell you: if you go with Mike you have one of the best local guides you can actually get around Hsipaw. He did not just grew up in the Mountains he also knows a lot about the surrounding, tribes, villages, plants, etc. He is a really funny guy and a good person for a great and interesting conversation. I spent nearly a week with him and traveled with him (after Hsipaw and Lashio) to Yangon and Hpa-An. I did not just a trekking tour in the jungle, I did a trip which was one of the best I've ever took. It was a huge experience and I'm really thankful for it.
Definitely recommending it!! (I would upload as many pictures as I could, but there are just 10 allowed)
Verfasst am 5. Jänner 2020
Diese Bewertung ist die subjektive Meinung eines Tripadvisor-Mitgliedes und nicht die von Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor überprüft Bewertungen.
Nyaungshwe, Myanmar6 Beiträge
Dez. 2019
Two weeks ago I did an 1 on 1 trekking with Mike of Mrs Bamboo Hsipaw Trekkings. I had two fantastic days in the mountains around Hsipaw. He is such a fun guy to hang out with, his English is really well, he has a lot of knowledge of the area and he knows the little trails everywhere. So as much as he can he avoids walking on the bigger road, and you walk mostly on gorgeous little tracks thru the forest or thru the fields, where you see people at work. I loved it!
Besides that he knows a lot about what's going on in Myanmar and he loves to talk about it. You can ask him everything!
We stayed in a small village at the house of his family, which were lovely people as well! I felt very welcome there. It was such an authentic experience; for me it was the highlight of my visit to Myanmar!
Mike is a young, fun loving guy with a lot of life experience, sense of responsibilty and a heart of gold! I really recommend him as a guide!
Besides that he knows a lot about what's going on in Myanmar and he loves to talk about it. You can ask him everything!
We stayed in a small village at the house of his family, which were lovely people as well! I felt very welcome there. It was such an authentic experience; for me it was the highlight of my visit to Myanmar!
Mike is a young, fun loving guy with a lot of life experience, sense of responsibilty and a heart of gold! I really recommend him as a guide!
Verfasst am 16. Dezember 2019
Diese Bewertung ist die subjektive Meinung eines Tripadvisor-Mitgliedes und nicht die von Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor überprüft Bewertungen.
Michael P
Vietnam8 316 Beiträge
Okt. 2019
Unfortunately, much of Shan State can be best described as a conflict zone wherein government forces, known as the Tatmadaw, are in a perpetual state of war with armed rebel minority ethnic groups. There is little doubt that sporadic fire-fights do occur in remote areas of the region but this should be of little concern to the average tourist as the fighting is generally in areas that are off-limits to Foreign Independent Travelers (FITs). In fact, much of Shan State, the entire country actually, is off-limits to FITs and unless you have your own transportation, a permit and guide you will find it virtually impossible to reach these areas.
Hsipaw Township is one of the few places in Shan State that is generally regarded as safe and open to FITs, despite recent rumors to the contrary. Trekking to remote ethnic villages inhabited by friendly Shan and Palaung people is still the mainstay of Hsipaw tourism.
Trekking tours are easily customizable and can be done as either day trips or multi-day hikes that include overnight stays in homestays owned and operated by local minority families. The degree of difficulty and duration can also be adjusted depending on one’s interest. A good example of this is “jungle or adventure trekking”, where local guides lead visitors through dense forest over steep and muddy trails. On the other hand, if one sticks to the main roads and trails, hiking is fairly easy.
Currently, most Hsipaw trekking tours are conducted in a mountainous area roughly 14 kilometers (9 mi) northwest of Hsipaw town. Palaung (Ta'ang) Villages such as Pankam (Pam Kham) have been regularly visited by foreign travelers for many years and are perfectly safe. Despite a regular flow of tourists, these villages are still very authentic; there are no souvenir stands, hotels or restaurants, nor internet or cell phone coverage. Local families offer homestay in simple traditional bamboo houses which offer visitors a unique opportunity to sleep in a rural village, something that is simply not possible in other parts of Shan State.
Although Hsipaw Township and the area around Pankam (Pam Kham) are perfectly safe other areas such as Namsha (Nam Sha) are not. Namsha, for example, is generally considered to be a “no-go” area and several tourists have been injured or killed by landmines. If you want to visit remote areas outside of Hsipaw town by either foot or motorcycle you really need a local guide. This simply isn’t a place to wander around by yourself, something I happily do in Vietnam and China.
As my time in Myanmar is limited, I often tour these remote areas on the back of a motorcycle rather than on foot. Booking a motorcycle tour with Mrs. Bamboo Hsipaw Trekkings allowed me to basically do a three-day trekking tour in around eight hours.
My guide, who goes by “Mike” is a member of the Palaung (Ta'ang) ethnic group and is naturally, an expert on the area as it is his homeland. In addition to Pam Kham we visited three other villages and met many friendly people including some of his family members. Mike speaks English fluently and is an excellent guide. In fact, he is such a good guide that I hired him to do a three-day trip to some extremely remote villages in Lashio, but I’ll save that story for another time.
Hsipaw Township is one of the few places in Shan State that is generally regarded as safe and open to FITs, despite recent rumors to the contrary. Trekking to remote ethnic villages inhabited by friendly Shan and Palaung people is still the mainstay of Hsipaw tourism.
Trekking tours are easily customizable and can be done as either day trips or multi-day hikes that include overnight stays in homestays owned and operated by local minority families. The degree of difficulty and duration can also be adjusted depending on one’s interest. A good example of this is “jungle or adventure trekking”, where local guides lead visitors through dense forest over steep and muddy trails. On the other hand, if one sticks to the main roads and trails, hiking is fairly easy.
Currently, most Hsipaw trekking tours are conducted in a mountainous area roughly 14 kilometers (9 mi) northwest of Hsipaw town. Palaung (Ta'ang) Villages such as Pankam (Pam Kham) have been regularly visited by foreign travelers for many years and are perfectly safe. Despite a regular flow of tourists, these villages are still very authentic; there are no souvenir stands, hotels or restaurants, nor internet or cell phone coverage. Local families offer homestay in simple traditional bamboo houses which offer visitors a unique opportunity to sleep in a rural village, something that is simply not possible in other parts of Shan State.
Although Hsipaw Township and the area around Pankam (Pam Kham) are perfectly safe other areas such as Namsha (Nam Sha) are not. Namsha, for example, is generally considered to be a “no-go” area and several tourists have been injured or killed by landmines. If you want to visit remote areas outside of Hsipaw town by either foot or motorcycle you really need a local guide. This simply isn’t a place to wander around by yourself, something I happily do in Vietnam and China.
As my time in Myanmar is limited, I often tour these remote areas on the back of a motorcycle rather than on foot. Booking a motorcycle tour with Mrs. Bamboo Hsipaw Trekkings allowed me to basically do a three-day trekking tour in around eight hours.
My guide, who goes by “Mike” is a member of the Palaung (Ta'ang) ethnic group and is naturally, an expert on the area as it is his homeland. In addition to Pam Kham we visited three other villages and met many friendly people including some of his family members. Mike speaks English fluently and is an excellent guide. In fact, he is such a good guide that I hired him to do a three-day trip to some extremely remote villages in Lashio, but I’ll save that story for another time.
Verfasst am 14. Dezember 2019
Diese Bewertung ist die subjektive Meinung eines Tripadvisor-Mitgliedes und nicht die von Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor überprüft Bewertungen.
Nick B
9 Beiträge
Dez. 2019 • Allein/Single
I’d definetely recommend to go trekking with Mr. Bamboo. He is a local guy from one of the villages and has a lot of knowledge about the area. He is also a legit funny guy to hang out with. We did a 1 on 1 trek for 2 days and I had a great time. We walked about 45 km but you can let him know what you want during your track and he’ll adjust it to your preferences.
During the trekking he told me about the donations he makes to schools in rural areas in Lashio. He wanted to go the next day so I decide to join him. If you want an off the beaten track experience, join him on one of his trips to the village of Lon Tet. Google Maps can’t even find this village. We went there by scooter and toured through amazing scenery, had a homestay at a sweet old lady’s place and explored the surrounding villages. Amazing experience. Honestly these people had never seen a westerner before, they looked at me like I was an alien.
Besides having a great experience you also support the local schools and Mr Bamboo’s cause, which is a great thing for starters.
Thanks for the great four days, My
During the trekking he told me about the donations he makes to schools in rural areas in Lashio. He wanted to go the next day so I decide to join him. If you want an off the beaten track experience, join him on one of his trips to the village of Lon Tet. Google Maps can’t even find this village. We went there by scooter and toured through amazing scenery, had a homestay at a sweet old lady’s place and explored the surrounding villages. Amazing experience. Honestly these people had never seen a westerner before, they looked at me like I was an alien.
Besides having a great experience you also support the local schools and Mr Bamboo’s cause, which is a great thing for starters.
Thanks for the great four days, My
Verfasst am 14. Dezember 2019
Diese Bewertung ist die subjektive Meinung eines Tripadvisor-Mitgliedes und nicht die von Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor überprüft Bewertungen.
3 Beiträge
Nov. 2019 • Freunde
I did the trekking last weekend, 2 day 1 night around Hsipaw. We had the best time, the scenery was amazing but what Mrs. bamboo could tell in perfect English made it complete! Thanks for the good time!
Verfasst am 25. November 2019
Diese Bewertung ist die subjektive Meinung eines Tripadvisor-Mitgliedes und nicht die von Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor überprüft Bewertungen.
2 Beiträge
Nov. 2019 • Freunde
It was an amazing time with you! The best trekking in the whole myanmar :) strongly recommend this guid! :)
Verfasst am 23. November 2019
Diese Bewertung ist die subjektive Meinung eines Tripadvisor-Mitgliedes und nicht die von Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor überprüft Bewertungen.
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